Welcome Truth Seeker
to a quick course on the shortest paths to 9/11 truth...
- The Two-Step 9/11 Truth Expedition: The demands on brain and heart
- The 911truth.org Mission: Where we are going with this and where we are not
- Wildlife to be Avoided: Note on some of our zanier friends along the way
Paths to 9/11 Understanding
- The Path of Official Absurdity - A black humor course in Coincidence Theory
- The Path of News Breaks - The long slow climb of 9/11 questions into media visibility
- The Path of Stubborn Questions - Victim family queries that remain unanswered to this day
- The Path of Deceit, Distortion & Perjury - The neocon warrior's way
- The Path of Past Precedents - How & why these "enabling events" keep happening to us
- The Path of Timelines - Where simply aligning times with facts often connects the dots
The Two-Step 9/11 Truth Expedition
Understanding the full truth of 9/11 seems to require two separate awakenings.
The first, awakening to the fraudulence of the "official 9/11 story," is a pretty simple brain function and only requires a little study, logic or curiosity. We can help a lot with that part here and it's a major purpose of this site.
The second step, however, consciously confronting the implications of that knowledge--and what it says about our media, politics and economic system today--is by far the harder awakening and requires an enormous exercise of nerve and heart. (As the Chinese say, "You cannot wake up a man who is pretending to sleep.") In other words, this part of the journey depends more on character than on maps and evidence so we can't help you much here, except to point out inspiring heroes and heroines who have courageously faced that truth, spoken out, and survived. (Though we might also point out the intriguing fact that our 9/11 heroines now outnumber 9/11 heroes by about six to one.)
The 911Truth.org Mission: Where we are going with this and where we are not
Although our members and friends in the truth movement hold a variety of opinions about what actually happened on September 11, 2001, 911truth.org as an organization generally believes that our chance for justice is now best served by focusing on the following five points:
- The frequently warned of 9/11 attacks handed a lackluster presidency irresistible political power to increase inequality, repression, corporate domination, and imperial warfare (and even boost its electoral clout);
- Since this administration benefited so mightily from these crimes, a reasonable person (or investigation) might find it prudent to at least question its possible complicity. Even the minimalist LIHOP (Let It Happen On Purpose) complicity scenario constitutes high treason--i.e., the supposition that high officials knew a blowback attack was coming, understood the incredible poltical power it might confer, and preemptively disabled the few working parts of government that might have been able to thwart its success (by ignoring foreign warnings, quashing domestic investigations, cancelling Counterterrorism Task Force meetings, rewriting air emergency response protocols, staging distracting aerial war games, etc.)
- There is now more than enough compelling evidence of just such official misconduct, foul play, perjury and obstruction of justice to constitute probable cause for a full criminal investigation of all 9/11 events;
- Despite continuing avoidance of this issue by our Congress, major parties and corporate press, there is widespread public support for this perception and course of action (as demonstrated by the August 2004 Zogby 9/11 Poll);
- If we as a people refuse to demand truth and justice on a matter this grave, we will deserve our leaders' contempt and embolden them to further treachery. (They and their predecessors have, after all, gotten away with the now documented lies of the Tonkin Resolution, the JFK and MLK assassinations, Iran-Contra, Flight 800, the Waco Davidian murders, the Pentagon's "missing" $2.2 trillion, etc, etc. without consequence. Why should they start worrying about what the "sovereign people" think now?) We have to stand up and draw the line somewhere or we can kiss our hopes for security, solvency and democracy goodbye.
There are a good number of irrational and unsupportable 9/11 theories and theorists "out there" that have been used to great effect to discredit 9/11 truth advocates as whole (Check out Rule 4 in "The Twenty-five Rules of Disinformation" to grasp the tactic and then watch it in action in Popular Mechanics' recent 9/11 smear). We are therefore also concerned about these spurious plot lines and how they are exploited, and we criticize many on our site. Every large and growing movement picks up a few noisy dunces or provocateurs in the margins, but they do not in any way invalidate the well researched evidence at its core. We only pray that those drawn to the 9/11 issue by sensationalist claims will stay long enough to learn the less theatrical but equally damning truth.
The Path of News Breaks
- A sampling of the rare exceptions that prove
the media's hear/see/report-no-9/11-evil rule
- The Truth About Sept. 11
By Ted Rall, AlterNet, September 11, 2002
First 9/11 questions statement by a well known media figure (one year late and only online, but still much appreciated) - Fallout: The Hidden Environmental Consequences of 9/11
by Juan Gonzalez, In These Times, September 10, 2002
Early prophetic piece on the administration cover-up of the post-attack pollution (Implicit question: If they could condemn thousands of New Yorkers to death just to get the Stock Exchange running, how many would they sacrifice to run Afghanistan and Iraq?) - 9/11 Pollution Could Cause More Deaths Than Attack
by Geoffrey Lean, The Independent (UK), September 12, 2004
A Sierra Club study confirms and grimly quantifies the previous story, which breaks in a major world paper. - One Year Later: Unintended Consequences of 9/11 and the War on Terrorism
by John Tirman, AlterNet, August 29, 2002
Early, almost touchingly naive, recount of 9/11's exploitation - unintended by whom? - The Enemy Within
by Gore Vidal, The Observer (UK), October 27, 2002
In a 7,000 word essay and review of Ahmed's "War on Freedom", Vidal lays out the early evidence for administration complicity (This stunning piece has never been quoted or even mentioned in the mainstream US press.) - Conspiracy Crusader Doubts Official 9/11 Version
by Michele Landsberg, Toronto Star, May 11, 2003
Celebrated columnist sympathetically introduces 9/11 truth pioneer Barry Zwicker in Canada's largest paper. - Barbs aside, 9/11 questions aren't going away
by Michelle Landsberg, Toronto Star, May 18, 2003
And takes a lot of flack... - Four 9/11 Moms Battle Bush
by Gail Sheehy, New York Observer (front page story), August 25, 2003
First "unanswered questions" story appears in the US press: Best-selling author Sheehy offers this great human and political saga to all New York's mainstream publications, but only one feisty weekly had the guts to pick it up. - This War on Terrorism is Bogus
The 9/11 attacks gave the US an ideal pretext to use force to secure its global domination
by Michael Meacher, The Guardian/UK, September 6, 2003
First compelling sketch of the motive, means and opportunity for the 9/11 crimes by veteran UK cabinet official. - Why Don't We Have Answers to These 9/11 Questions?
by William Bunch, Philadelphia Daily News, September 11, 2003
First mention of "unanswered questions" in major US daily, brave and well done, but two years after the fact. - Conspiracy Theories about Sept. 11 Get Hearing in Germany
- Distrust of U.S. Fuels Stories about Source of the Attacks
By Ian Johnson, Wall Street Journal, September 29, 2003
orporate Journalism Central begins damage control, but still relates some intriguing facts. - Whitewash as Public Service: How The 9/11 Commission Report defrauds the nation
By Benjamin DeMott, Harper's Magazine, October 2004
Despite the feisty title, the piece generally collapses into minutiae and fry-more-bureaucrats gripes. For a far deeper insight into the Commission cover-up, see David Ray Griffin's "A National Disgrace" - an intro to his explosive "The 9/11 Commission Report - Omissions and Distortions." - To be expanded...
The Path of Stubborn Questions
- Victim family queries that remain unanswered to this day
- The original 400+ Family Steering Committee questions that Commissioner Jamie Gorelick said would be the Commission's "road map"
- FSC co-founders Mindy Kleinberg & Lorie van Auken rate the Commission's final Report and give it a failing grade.
- A good rundown of the basic 9/11 questions from whatreallyhappened.com
- An extensive reader-generated, reader-rated list of questions from the pioneer site unansweredquestions.org
- Keys to 9/11 - Deja Vu All over Again By Michelle Mairesse - a clean and clear example of many questions in narrative form
- The Way of the Neocon Warrior (When the "free press"
turns to stenography, Machiavelli returns to life!)
- Bushlies.com has produced a fine compendium of administration 9/11 lies, some aforethought, some afterthought, some cobbled on the fly.
- In the "practice makes perfect" vein, see also Rep. Henry Waxmann's "Iraq on the Record" database of 237 subsequent Bush official lies about Iraq
- For more specific indictments, see:
- "NORAD LIED ABOUT 9/11" : Senator Mark Dayton
- AN OPEN LETTER TO CONDOLEEZZA RICE "You Are a Liar" by Catherine Austin Fitts, former Assistant Secretary of Housing
- FBI WHISTLEBLOWER SAYS RICE IS LYING - Bush knew al-Qaida was planning attack by Andrew Buncombe, The Independent [London, UK]
- Similar reporting on LiesofBush.com's "Culpability or Incompetence?" page
The Path of Past Precedents
- How and why they keep doing it to us,
a crash course in official betrayal
- FAKE TERROR - The Road to War and Dictatorship
"It's the oldest trick in the book, dating back to Roman times; creating the enemies you need." Excellent retrospective on governmental creation and abuse of terror from the Roman despot Crassus up to the headlines today. - INVASION YANQUI: The Mexican War, 1846-1848 by Frances Leonard
- You want history of provoked/invited attacks, we got history... - How to Start a War: The American Use of War Pretext Incidents (1848-1989) - More history than you might ever want to know...
- War is a Racket - Gen. Smedley Butler's classic confession and repudiation of his life as a corporate hitman.
- PEARL HARBOR: Mother of All Conspiracies - Exhaustive documentation of FDR's foreknowledge and how he in fact methodically invited the attack.
- Operation Northwoods - the early Sixties Pentagon plan to attack America, blame it on Castro, and use the patriotic outrage as a pretext to invade and conquer Cuba. Excerpted from James "Puzzle Palace" Bamford's best-selling Body of Secrets: Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency."
The Path of Timelines
- Systematic compilations of documented 9/11 facts that make
"coincidence theory" the wildest hypothesis of the day
- 9/11 Timelines/Outlines by Topic Area (e.g., 9/11 air "defense", Pakistan connections, insider trading, FBI inquiry blocks, etc.) - From Paul Thompson and friends at the incomparable cooperativeresearch.net
- Best Single 9/11 Timeline: Exhaustive - Ditto
- "Oh Lucy! - You Gotta Lotta 'Splainin To Do" - Michael Ruppert's Timeline: The first - still growing, still excellent, and still offering $1000 to anyone finding an inaccuracy.
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