Full Spectrum Dominance
'Full Spectrum Dominance' is the key term in Joint Vision 2020, the blueprint the United States Department of Defence will follow in the future, from which these extracts are taken.
'The ultimate goal of our military force is to accomplish the objectives directed by the National Command Authorities.
For the joint force of the future, this goal will be achieved through full spectrum dominance - the ability of US forces, operating unilaterally or in combination with multinational and interagency partners, to defeat any adversary and control any situation across the full range of military operations.
The full range of operations includes maintaining a posture of strategic deterrence. It includes theatre engagement and presence activities. It includes conflict involving employment of strategic forces and weapons of mass destruction, major theatre wars, regional conflicts and smaller-scale contingencies.
It also includes those ambiguous situations residing between peace and war, such as peace-keeping and peace enforcement operations, as well as non-combat humanitarian relief operations and support to domestic authorities.
The label full spectrum dominance implies that US forces are able to conduct prompt, sustained, and synchronised operations with combinations of forces tailored to specific situations, and with access to and freedom to operate in all domains - space, sea, land, air and information.
Additionally, given the global nature of our interests and obligations, the United States must maintain its overseas presence forces and the ability to rapidly project power worldwide in order to achieve full spectrum dominance.
Achieving full spectrum dominance means the joint force will fulfil its primary purpose - victory in war, as well as achieving success across the full range of operations, but it does not mean that we will win without cost or difficulty.
Conflict results in casualties despite our best efforts to minimise them, and will continue to do so when the force has achieved full spectrum dominance… We will win - but we should not expect war in the future to be either easy or bloodless…
The requirement for global operations, the ability to counter adversaries who possess weapons of mass destruction, and the need to shape ambiguous situations at the low end of the range of operations will present special challenges en route to achieving full spectrum dominance.
Therefore, the process of creating the joint force of the future must be flexible - to react to changes in the strategic environment and the adaptations of potential enemies, to take advantage of new technologies, and to account for variations in the pace of change.
The source of that flexibility is the synergy of the core competencies of the individual Services, integrated into the joint team. These challenges will require a Total Force composed of well-educated, motivated and competent people who can adapt to the many demands of future joint missions.
The transformation of the joint force to reach full spectrum dominance rests upon information superiority as a key enabler, and our capacity for innovation.'
OMG -they are really serious about this delusion. We have to put an end to this administration before it outs an end to us. No country will tolerate this BU*SH*IT.
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